【同义词辨析】 2017-11-13 仁慈mercy-lenity
mercy: implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice demands it or that extends help even to the lowliest or most undeserving: admitted his guilt and then begged for ~. show mercy to/have mercy on怜悯某人,如God have mercy on us上帝怜悯我们吧或愿神怜悯我们 用了两个even即使(或甚至) compassion和sympathy区别的注释见文末
charity: stresses benevolence and goodwill as shown in generosity and in broad understanding and tolerance of others: show a little ~ for the weak-willed. charity可以表示慈善组织也可以表示慈善行为,如local charities本地慈善组织,如a charity concert慈善音乐会,本例则表示待人宽厚 意志薄弱的 benevolence和goodwill构词完全相同bene=good, vol=will,都表示慈善善意,十分好记
clemency: implies a mild and merciful disposition in one having the power or duty of judging and punishing: a judge little inclined to show ~. 如a plea for clemency乞求宽大,如the President has granted clemency to several people给予宽大处理
grace: implies a benign attitude and a willingness to grant favors or make concessions: the victor's ~ in treating the vanquished. 如"the grace of the Lord be with all the saints, amen愿主的恩典与众圣徒同在",是马太福音Matthew结尾句 恩典有3个意思 1、最早在古典文学中表示从神或是人而来的各种礼物 2、后来指帝王的恩赐和礼遇 3、现泛指恩惠 本例用3
lenity: implies extreme, even undue, lack of severity in punishing and may suggest a weak softness: criticized the courts for excessive ~. 形容词lenient仅表示宽大not as strict or severe as expected when punishing,如a lenient teacher/judge/sentence/fine宽容的老师/法官/从宽的判刑/罚款,可见并没有极端过度的意思
mercy怜悯: 指同情,给应受惩罚的人予以宽恕,给最低劣不值得同情的人予以帮助,charity慈善或宽厚: 指善意,给人慷慨帮助,或理解包容,clemency宽大仁慈: 指审判惩罚时具有温和同情,grace恩典恩惠: 指善意,给人恩赐礼遇优惠,lenity过度宽松: 指惩罚时过度宽松,暗示软弱
记忆方法:1)首字母GLMCC中GLM想成glamour魅力,CC想成Chinese Citizen中国公民<==仁慈是一种魅力 glamour吸引力魅力诱惑力,多因财富或地位所致the attractive and exciting quality that makes a person, a job or a place seem special, often because of wealth or status,如the glamour of Hollywood/show biz好莱坞/演艺界的魅力
2)仁慈的意思是展现善意同情mean a showing of or a disposition to show kindness or compassion. compassion和sympathy都表示同情,区别是sympathy泛指同情,compassion表示的同情不仅是给予温柔谅解,还希望能帮助、宽恕